Friday, January 20, 2017

Introducing the d6X System!

What is the d6X system? Simple. It's the d20 system played with only d6s and a few minor adjustments.

Label the faces of a d6 as: 0,2,6,8,12,14.

We'll call this special d6 the dX. If you roll the dX with a regular d6, you get results between 1 and 20. We'll call this a d6X roll. It's not completely linear but pretty darn close. All possible results have the same chance of occurring except for 1, 2, 19, and 20. Those numbers will occur half as many times as the other numbers.

1 2.78
2 2.78
3 5.56
4 5.56
5 5.56
6 5.56
7 5.56
8 5.56
9 5.56
10 5.56
11 5.56
12 5.56
13 5.56
14 5.56
15 5.56
16 5.56
17 5.56
18 5.56
19 2.78
20 2.78

To simulate a d10, use the same dice as described above. When you get your result, ignore the ten's digit. You'll get a value between 0 and 9. This will be even closer to linear than the d20 results.

To simulate a d4, roll a d6 until you get a result less than 5 or use the same d20 method described above. A result of 1 to 5 = 1. 6 to 10 = 2. 11 to 15 = 3. 16 to 20 = 4. This has a little more curve to it than the previous method.

Of course, you can use the d10 method to roll on %d tables or the d20 method for d20 tables. If you want to make a table with more than 20 things on it but less than 100, you can make a d66 table. Roll d6 twice. The result of the first roll is the ten's digit. The result of the second roll is the one's digit. This will give you a table of 36 equally probable possibilities.

To simulate a d8, use the d10 method above. Re-roll results higher than 8.

To simulate a d12, roll d6X. if the value of the dX roll is 6 or less, add 6 to the d6 value. This is completely linear!