Thursday, November 20, 2014

Hexmaps: Alternative Symbols and Numbering

I came up with these symbols when trying to develop wilderness map geomorphs. The symbols can be rotated without looking like they've been rotated. I think they capture as much 'feel' as traditional terrain map symbols. They have a sort of  'top-down' perspective.

an example map...

This sort of map can be easily filled in a program such as Paint on the computer or printed out black and white and colored by hand. Also, note the alternative hex-numbering system. A10 is forest. I2 is wetlands. Numbering each hex in a hexmap really detracts from a map.

Here's a colored version:

I've been told that my color choices can put people's eyes out. Sorry. Pale and faded colors hurt my eyes. Dark colors don't provide enough contrast for my eyes. I like primary colors or black and white.

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